Saturday, March 31, 2012

I would like to personally Thank  Kathy and Jim Coover and the Coover family for their support.  I can't say it enough,  THANK YOU  :-)

Happy 10th Anniversary, Isagenix!

Join us for the celebration of a lifetime this August!

Happy 10th anniversary, Isagenix®!
On this day in 2002, the Isagenix vision to impact world health and free people from physical and financial pain was born. Since then, hundreds of thousands of lives have been changed for the better. The best part? We’re just getting started!
While this may be a day that you decide to toast to Isagenix with a glass of refreshing Want More Energy?® or nibble on our decadent IsaDelight Plus™ Milk or Dark Chocolate, we invite you to join us at the celebration of a lifetime this August 9-12, 2012 in Phoenix, Arizona for 2012 “Your Future Starts Today” Celebration. We’re going back to where it all began and have so many exciting announcements and new products to share with you!
Plus, three incredible keynote speakers will join us on stage this year. Get ready for cutting-edge advice from leading economist and world renowned speaker Paul Zane Pilzer who will share the importance of creating extra streams of income, how you can overcome the downed economy and much more. Best-selling authors, life and relationship experts Jack Canfield (co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series) and John Gray (author of the Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus book series) will also take to the stage to give you the full picture of Isagenix wellness.
You don’t want to miss out on this year’s Celebration! Visit right away to learn more and log in to your Back Office “Events” section to secure your tickets. We’re on track to sell out soon, so don’t wait!
Be sure to check your email today for a special anniversary message from Co-Founders Jim and Kathy Coover and Director of Field Relations Erik Coover!

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